Full Check Draft Service
You make Check from any place
We Print checks on HQ Check Paper, Stuff, Seal and Post on Same Business Day (USPS) for 75 Cents
No Credit card. Cancel any time you need.
When you include the soft costs of employee time, it estimates that each check can cost a business up to $7.78 to create, stuff, mail, and track each check payment. Our mail Service give you a long-term benefits

Save time Printing, Signing, Folding, Sealing, stamping, Labeling and Making sure in the hand of USPS.

Mail Checks With your Company Logo and Your own check Design
We mail the check the one you designed and created with your own logo. It will give you a full white label look. We don’t alter anything from the checks you created with your own template
Free Check Mailing Service
You pay Cost of the stamp, Check paper and Envelopes. It Cost you around $.75
We print on same business day and make sure it is in the post office also on the same day. For all these processes it cost you just $0.75 per check. No any kind of hidden or surprise fee. Refill your account-we deduct $0.75 per check for printing and mailing to your destination
When you request to mail a check, it prints behind the scene and sends to our printer queue.
Our administrator print and mail it same Business day. We have no access to your account or to alter however to print that predefined check sending to the printer.
Any progressions you may need to resend us

Overnight, Priority and FedEx
Overnight delivery, Priority Mail by USPS and FedEx also available for those who needed for an additional cost. OnlineCheckWriter.Com Partnered with USPS and FedEx.
Mail Tracking
There will be no any tracking service available by USPS for first class mail unless you purchase a tracking number for additional cost. If you choose to mail By Priority, FedEx or Express comes with it. You can see the status and update inside online check rider.com.

Rebate Fulfillment Services
Full Rebate processing Center
For Any Size Company
Very Cost effective Rebate Processing service
We handle any kind of your rebate program
Sign Up, Instantly verify Bank. You ready to go
You Create Check, Upload, send file to us or use our API to integrate your software. You have full control.
Same Day Rebate Check Printing and Mailing
Simple rebate processing and mailing service pricing with no surprises cost
Mailing Options
USPS First Class
USPS First Class – International
USPS Priority – 2 Day
USPS Express – 1 Day
FedEx – 2 Day
FedEx – Overnight


No Minimum Volume

Checks are drawn from your bank account

Pay electricity bill and water bill using check mailing service

Directly Import Checks from QuickBooks and Mail to your client

Api Available

Pay as You Go check printing and mailing services

Whether you need to print and mail 1 or 10,000 checks Per day, we’re here to handle

Sign Up, Instantly verify Bank. You ready to go

You Create Check, Upload, send file to us or use our API to integrate your software. You have full control.

Same Day Check Printing and Mailing

Simple check printing and mailing service pricing with no surprises cost

Did You Know…
Each day USPS delivers some 660 million pieces of mail to as many as 142 million delivery points
No Credit card. Cancel any time you need.
Frequently Asked Questions
How does it works?
After you create a check (single or multiples) click “Mail” instead of print. This check immediately sent to our printer queue to print it. You will see the status pending on your checklist. Once printed and created Postage label, Postman will pick it up by 4 p.m. at Central Standard Time. Then you’ll see the status made and you will receive are automated email also. Very Simple. You pay as you go. You can bulk upload Excel sheet if you have so many checks to mail. You can create a group and make multiple checks for ongoing payees time to time to mail. You may use our API to integrate your website to create a mail check. Every possible scenario available according to your convenient.
How to set it up?
There is nothing to do to set up. It all ready to go. All you have to do click MAIL button instead of PRINT button which you usually use to print by yourself. When you choose to MAIL a check, Online Checkwriter print that check in our facility on the same business day, put payee address label given on that check and post it by USPS. Your Bank
Account you mailing check from need to be verified. It can be verified instantly.
How much it cost?
.75 Cents Per Check flat. No, any other hidden Fee. We will pay Stamps, Envelopes, Label, Check paper and Toner.
We Print, stuff, fold, seal, stamp, label and mail it by USPS on Same business day.
How long does it take my payee to get a check?
According to USPS if you are using first class mail service it normally takes 1-7 business days depending on the area. We have other options also available.
Do my vendors know that the checks are coming from me or my Company?
We will be printing and mailing the same particular checks you choose to print and mail.
It will have the same design you made including your logos. All we do, print that same check as you print but in our facility and stuff that in an envelope put the label, stamps and mail it by USPS on the same business day.
We will mail the check with your own return address.
Do you support Recurring bill payment
Yes, we support recurring bill payment. Once you set up your check for recurring Mailing for a certain number of days or time onlinecheckwriter.com automatically print that Check on that specified time and mail to your payee or destination
Do you support Bulk Check Mailing with discount?
Yes, We support bulk check mailing with discount. Please Contact us.
Can I pay my utility bills using this check mailing service?
Yes. Using OnlineCheckWriter mailing Option you can pay your property tax, bill,bill , electricity bill- Just for .75 Cents.
How do I know my check is cashed?
Online check writer mailing system prints your check and mail to your payee address on the same business day using United States Postal Service. If You would like to know your check is cashed you need to integrate your bank with online check writer. Online check writer partnered with most of the banks in the United States and Canada
Why do I have to verify my bank account?
Since online check writer partnered with most of the bank, it is the easiest way to validate our customer’s bank account. This method used in various service to ensure that the individuals own the bank account is authorized to create and approve to mail a check.
Can I send check anywhere in the world?
Yes, you can.
Can I upload a CSV/Excel file to create checks and mail it?
Yes, you can. Once upload and create checks select all of them and click mail.
Can I Import Checks from QuickBooks and mail it?
Yes, you can. Once you integrated with QuickBooks your checks automatically come to the online check writer and you can select and click mail.
Where would be my checks mailed from?
Most of your checks are mailed from our Corporate office based in Tyler Texas- Close to Dallas Tx
Can I add a logo into the checks I am mailing?
Online check writer mailing system will not alter any of your check design. If you have any logo or any kind of special template it will be printed and mailed as it is. You will have a fully white labelled Checks.
We are an accounting firm with multiple different clients. Do you all support mailing checks for us?
Yes, we do. Once you sign up, create the bank account and have it verified.
Do you all support Canadian checks to mail?
Yes, We do.
How many users I can have?
Unlimited as per your OnlineCheckWriter Plan
Have more question call us : (408) 372-7707 or email us : support@onlinecheckwriter.com
Let’s Start now for free.
No Credit card. Cancel any time you need
Join With 100 Thousand Plus

© 2018 Online Check Writer LLC
